Home » Rising Star: 27-year-old shakes up Nigerian politics

Rising Star: 27-year-old shakes up Nigerian politics

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

Ruqayat Motunrayo Shittu, at 27, stands as a beacon of hope and a symbol of Nigeria’s emerging political change.

Representing Owode/Onirin in Kwara State, Shittu has made history as Nigeria’s youngest female legislator. A recent graduate from the National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN) in 2022, she’s swiftly climbed to lead the House Committee on Youths, Sports, Information, and Tourism.

In an exclusive with Vanguard Nigeria, she reveals the nuances of her political journey, sharing her experiences with veteran lawmakers and her undying commitment to her community.

From The Interview:

Her Odyssey: “The limelight is humbling, but my focus remains. The complex Nigerian political landscape requires unwavering dedication, and I’m up for the task.”

Political Beginnings: “Even as a child, I was leadership-driven. My father’s unwavering support molded me. Championing women in politics was always the dream, and I’m living it now.”

Choosing Politics Post-Graduation: “My heart always beat for politics. From campus politics to landmark community initiatives, it was a deliberate journey for me.”

On Women’s Representation: “Kwara is pioneering with five women in the assembly. We’re making waves, and Governor AbdulRazaq stands at the forefront of this change.”

Her Mission: “Reflecting on my college manifesto, my role revolves around robust lawmaking, effective representation, and consistent community engagement.”

Navigating Age Dynamics: “Age is secondary. It’s my passion and commitment that’s garnered respect within the assembly.”

Election Experiences: “The path was strenuous, with many hurdles. Yet, determination and a strong support system paved my way to success.”

Advice for the Next Gen: “Stay grounded and engage with your community. We’re on the brink of launching mentorship initiatives for budding leaders.”

On National Issues: “Revamping Nigeria is a gradual process. President Tinubu’s ‘Renewed Hope’ campaign embodies this vision. Let’s stay the course.”

Ruqayat’s rise shines a promising light on the future of Nigerian politics, underlining the potential of young leadership.

Source: Vanguard

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