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Edu urges mindset, work ethic change at NEDC.

by Adenike Adeodun

Pushing for reshaping the North East Development Commission (NEDC), Dr. Betta Edu, the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, has made her stance clear: transformative change is essential. She delivered her message in Maiduguri through her Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Rasheed Olanrewaju Zubair.

Emphasizing the crucial role of teamwork, she pointed out that the days of disjointed operations need to come to an end. Furthermore, according to a Vanguard report, she underscored President Bola Tinubu’s Renewed Hope agenda, which targets poverty and regional humanitarian issues.

Dr. Edu noted, “Under President Tinubu’s guidance, we need a united front. We have to prioritize effective teamwork, ensuring optimal resource usage.” She added, “It’s time to move away from division and focus on results. President Tinubu and Vice President Kashim Shettima are addressing poverty and humanitarian challenges, so the Commission should be a beacon of hope for North East Nigeria.”

Moreover, she urged the Commission’s leaders to draft impactful strategies to elevate the region’s people, as reported by Vanguard Newspapers. “We need sustainable solutions that can truly make a difference,” she emphasized.

Addressing partners such as UNFPA, UNICEF, IOM, and WFO, she strongly suggested aligning their efforts with the President’s Renewed Hope agenda, pinpointing the government’s goals for the region.

In response, Dr. Garba Abubakar Illiya, the Commission’s Executive Director of Administration and Finance, agreed. He recognized the need for collaboration and committed to prioritizing teamwork. “We’re in line with the Minister’s vision and will accelerate our ten-year Development and Stabilization master plan,” he confirmed.

Overall, with Dr. Edu leading the charge, the NEDC is on the brink of a transformative path, one that holds promise for North East Nigeria.

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