Home » Federal Corps Reports Decline in Nigerian Traffic Accidents, Fatalities

Federal Corps Reports Decline in Nigerian Traffic Accidents, Fatalities

by Adenike Adeodun

The first half of 2023 has brought a glimmer of hope in Nigeria’s road safety statistics. The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) revealed a significant decline in road accidents and associated fatalities compared to last year.

ACM Bisi Kazeem, the Corps Public Education Officer at the FRSC headquarters in Abuja, released these figures in a statement.

According to the statement, the Corps recorded 5,700 road crashes, a 14% drop from the 6,627 incidents reported in the same time frame in 2022. This downward trend also extended to the number of lives lost on the roads, with a 15.5% decrease totaling 2,850 fatalities compared to 3,375 in 2022.

The report also highlighted an encouraging 14% reduction in the number of injured individuals rescued from accident scenes. The Corps reported that they had rescued 16,716 disabled people in the first half of 2023, compared to 19,440 during the corresponding period in the previous year.

According to a report by People’s Gazette, Corps Marshal Dauda Ali Biu attributed these improvements to various factors, including rigorous enforcement activities, heightened road visibility, extensive public enlightenment campaigns, and active engagement with multiple partners.

“These figures indicate a successful operational period and validate our ongoing strategies aimed at reducing the frequency and impact of road accidents,” stated Biu.

He continued to emphasize the Corps’ dedication to its mission of improving road safety across Nigeria’s expansive 200,000-kilometer road network.

“Our commitment remains unwavering towards achieving our corporate mandate of enhancing highway safety and ensuring the well-being of road users,” Biu added.

While these figures signal positive advancements, the Corps Marshal cautioned that considerable work still needs to be done.

“I urge drivers to steer clear of risky driving behaviors. Our efforts are paying off, but road safety is a collective responsibility,” he said.

The FRSC’s announcement has been viewed as a step forward in Nigeria’s battle against the scourge of road accidents and catalyzes further initiatives to reduce national road trauma.

Source: People’s Gazette

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