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Yusuf Challenges ‘Unfair’ Tribunal Verdict, Appeals for Justice

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

In a dramatic twist, Governor Abba Yusuf of Kano State isn’t accepting his recent election loss, as declared by the Governorship Election Petition Tribunal. The tribunal named Dr. Nasiru Gawuna of the All Progressives Congress (APC) the legitimate winner. It also told the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to give Gawuna the certificate of return.

The tribunal’s decision, shared via Zoom, highlighted a major flaw: 165,663 of Yusuf’s votes were invalid due to missing stamps on ballot papers. This shifted the outcome in favor of Gawuna.

Yusuf, running for the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP), immediately contested the ruling. He described it as “unfair” and vowed to appeal. In a statement, he told his supporters to stay calm and promised to “do everything possible to retain this widely acclaimed mandate.”

The case has sparked intense debate in legal and political circles. Both sides had made their final arguments by August 21, making the dispute a crucial test for Nigerian democracy. Yusuf is now taking the matter to the Appeal Court, where the tribunal’s verdict will be scrutinized.

The case is making waves not just in Kano State, but could also set a legal precedent for Nigeria. All eyes are on the Appeal Court, as its decision could either uphold or overturn the tribunal’s controversial ruling.

Given Nigeria’s politically charged atmosphere, the stakes are high. The case’s outcome could have ripple effects on future elections. Yusuf’s appeal is thus a key moment not just for Kano State but for the entire country. As we all wait for the next chapter in this gripping legal drama, it’s clear that its outcome could reshape Nigeria’s democratic landscape.

Source: Vanguard

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