Home » Gunmen Attack Nasarawa Polytechnic Students; One Abducted, Three Injured

Gunmen Attack Nasarawa Polytechnic Students; One Abducted, Three Injured

by Ikeoluwa Juliana Ogungbangbe

The Nasarawa State Police Command confirmed yesterday that gunmen, believed to be kidnappers, attacked three students from ISA Mustapha Agwai Polytechnic in Lafia, the state’s capital. In addition to the shootings, a female student was abducted during what appears to be a related robbery incident.

Public Relations Officer Ramhan Nansel conveyed in an official statement that the abducted polytechnic student was taken during the same incident in which the three others were shot. Information gathered suggests that the injured students are now receiving medical care at the state’s specialist hospital and have been reported to be in stable condition.

The abducted student has been identified as Ajomuke, who is pursuing her ND II in the Department of Science Laboratory Technology at the institution. The students who suffered gunshot injuries during the attack include Freedom Luka from HND I Public Administration, Ogwuche Janet from HND II Business Administration, and Danlandi Nicholas from the Management Department.

A female student from ISA Mustapha Agwai Polytechnic, who narrowly escaped the clutches of the attackers and chose not to disclose her name for safety reasons, provided a chilling recount of the traumatic ordeal she encountered. 

As she and her friends were making their way home, the otherwise tranquil atmosphere was abruptly shattered by a series of abrupt and dispersed gunshots, echoing menacingly from a distance up ahead. 

Reacting swiftly to the looming danger, they instinctively changed their course, doubling back to find refuge. Thir immediate instincts led them to the nearby home of a fellow student, where they sought safety and hid from the potential threat.

Visibly shaken and deeply concerned about the security landscape around the campus, she made an earnest plea to the local security establishments. With a mix of fear and determination in her voice, she implored them to significantly bolster the security protocols and presence around the academic facility. 

Her fervent call to action underscored not just the safety of her peers, but also the well-being of the wider community surrounding the institution. She highlighted the critical importance of proactive measures to thwart any future threats or potential attacks that might once again disrupt the peace and safety of the area.

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