Home » Nigeria’s Transport Evolution: Embracing Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

Nigeria’s Transport Evolution: Embracing Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

Nigeria is on the brink of a major transport transformation. With the rising costs of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), or as we commonly know it, petrol, a change is in the wind. Leading the charge is President Bola Tinubu. He’s championing a quicker shift to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) conversion kits, a change he passionately discussed during Nigeria’s 63rd Independence anniversary.

What’s this shift all about? Tinubu outlined the nation’s journey towards a greener, more cost-effective transport solution. “We’re speeding up the delivery of new CNG kits,” he stated. “At the same time, we’re setting up educational hubs across Nigeria. These centers will empower our transport professionals and budding entrepreneurs.”

This isn’t just about money. It’s about the planet. Switching to CNG means less carbon in the atmosphere. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) is already on board. Mele Kyari, the head honcho at NNPCL, announced a recent partnership with NIPCO Gas Limited. Their goal? More CNG stations across Nigeria.

Kyari elaborated on this green venture, saying, “Our partnership with NIPCO Gas is our pledge to a greener Nigeria. Together, we’ll expand CNG infrastructure, making it a popular choice for our vehicles. This isn’t just good for the pocket; it’s vital for sustainable growth.”

The rollout will happen in stages. Come early 2024, 21 new CNG stations will pop up, catering to city commuters. By early 2025, 35 more will join the ranks, bridging cities. Plus, NNPC Retail has big plans, adding an extra 56 stations nationwide.

But there’s more to the story. NNPCL has unveiled NNPC Prime LNG Limited. Their mission? Boost domestic LNG production and supply. They’re also joining forces with Miju Auto Gas from India to make the switch from petrol to CNG even smoother for local vehicles.

NNPCL’s partner, NIPCO Gas Limited, is no newbie. They run 14 CNG stations across Nigeria and have converted a whopping 7,000 vehicles to CNG. Kyari remarked, “With NIPCO’s expertise, this initiative will overhaul Nigeria’s transport scene, bringing cheaper fuel, cleaner air, and job opportunities.”

Kyari highlighted Nigeria’s rich natural gas reserves, a treasure trove of over 200 trillion cubic feet. These reserves are a goldmine for power, fertilizers, petrochemicals, and of course, transport.

NIPCO’s Managing Director, Nagendra Verma, shed light on their bond with NNPCL, emphasizing the drive to expand gas use in Nigeria. With a 12-year track record in CNG, NIPCO is fully committed to this joint venture.

To sum it up, Nigeria is making waves. With a leap to CNG, the nation is set for both economic growth and a greener tomorrow.

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