Home » INEC Blamed for Governors’ Removal by Court, Falana Calls for Review 

INEC Blamed for Governors’ Removal by Court, Falana Calls for Review 

A Nigerian lawyer, Femi Falana, has blamed INEC for the court rulings that sacked some governors and ordered fresh elections. He called for a review of the electoral system.

by Motoni Olodun

A prominent Nigerian lawyer, Femi Falana, has challenged the recent court rulings that sacked some governors from the opposition parties and ordered fresh elections in some states. Falana, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), accused the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) of failing to conduct credible and conclusive elections in the country.

Falana made his remarks on Channels Television’s Sunday Politics programme, where he criticised INEC for various irregularities and shortcomings in its duties. He cited examples such as clearing candidates without proper primaries, using unstamped ballot papers and declaring results without collating all the votes.

He argued that the courts should not punish the voters for the mistakes of the electoral officials, who he said should be sanctioned instead. He also expressed concern about the delay and uncertainty in resolving the electoral disputes, which he said could undermine the legitimacy and stability of the elected governments.

Falana specifically mentioned the cases of Kano, Plateau, and Zamfara states, where the appellate court nullified the victories of the governors from the New Nigerian Peoples Party (NNPP) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), and ordered fresh elections or reruns in some local government areas. He said these decisions were different from the case of Lagos state, where the court upheld the election of the governor from the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Falana urged the aggrieved parties to seek redress at the Supreme Court, which he hoped would resolve the controversies and uphold the will of the people. He also called on the political class to respect the rule of law and obey the court orders. He said the electoral system needed to be reformed to prevent such crises in the future.

Falana’s comments came amid growing tensions and criticisms over the conduct and outcome of the 2023 general elections, which were marred by violence, irregularities, and legal battles. According to the Nigeria Civil Society Situation Room, a coalition of civil society organisations, the elections witnessed a decline in the quality and credibility of the electoral process compared to previous polls. The group also reported that at least 58 people were killed and many others injured during the elections.

The international community, including the African Union, the European Union, and the United States, also expressed concerns about the elections and urged all stakeholders to ensure a peaceful and democratic resolution of the disputes. They also called for electoral reforms and accountability for the perpetrators of violence and fraud.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties, some analysts and observers have expressed optimism that Nigeria can overcome its electoral woes and strengthen its democracy. They pointed to the peaceful transitions of power in 2015 and 2019, the increased participation of women and youth, and the resilience of the civil society and the judiciary as signs of hope and progress.

Source: Business Day


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