Home » Firm Threatens Legal Action Against Sanwo-Olu’s Aide, Ministry Over Alleged Land Encroachment

Firm Threatens Legal Action Against Sanwo-Olu’s Aide, Ministry Over Alleged Land Encroachment

World Oil Set to Sue Lagos Aide Over Ikate Elegushi Land Dispute

by Ikeoluwa Juliana Ogungbangbe

In a significant development that has raised eyebrows in the real estate and political circles of Lagos State, World Oil Industries Limited, a prominent oil company, has issued a stark warning of impending legal action against a key figure in Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu’s administration, specifically targeting Sola Giwa, the Governor’s aide on Transportation. The bone of contention lies in a contentious land dispute, centered around a prime piece of real estate located in the strategic Ikate Elegushi area, a bustling and rapidly developing part of Lagos State.

The root of this escalating dispute is encapsulated in a pre-action notice that World Oil’s legal representatives dispatched to the Lagos State Commissioner for Transportation, Oluwaseun Osiyemi. The notice, meticulously drafted and signed by Kehinde Adeyemi, a lawyer representing the firm, lays out a series of grave allegations against Sola Giwa and certain personnel within the Ministry of Transportation.

In a detailed account, the notice accuses these individuals of overstepping legal boundaries by encroaching on World Oil’s legally owned land. The accusation becomes more severe as it claims that the disputed land was illicitly allocated to Sawgrass Multi Solutions Nigeria Limited, purportedly for the development of a car lot, thus sparking concerns over due process and transparency in land dealings within the state.

Adding to the complexity of the situation is the involvement of Segun Alawaye, who is alleged to have led a forceful eviction of World Oil Petrol from the property on December 29, 2023. This eviction, reportedly executed with the backing of security agents, marks a significant escalation in the conflict, illustrating the potential for confrontation and legal entanglement.

The narrative takes a more direct turn with allegations that Giwa had previously issued a notice to vacate to World Oil. This was reportedly followed by the erection of a signboard boldly declaring the land as property of the Lagos State Ministry of Transport, thus challenging the ownership claimed by World Oil.

Amidst these swirling allegations, World Oil is not just standing its ground but is also actively seeking intervention from the state’s transportation commissioner. The firm clearly articulates its position: it is the rightful and lawful owner of the land situated at Block 44 along the Lekki Epe Expressway – a prime location in Lagos. This property, as per World Oil’s statement, is not just a piece of land but a functional filling station integral to their operations.

The conflict traces its origin back to December 2, 2023, when World Oil first noticed unauthorized activities on a part of their land. This incident marked the beginning of a series of events leading up to the current standoff.

In an environment where land ownership and utilization are often hotly contested, this situation throws into sharp relief the complexities of land management in Lagos State. World Oil’s legal notice serves not just as a warning shot to the parties involved but also as a stark reminder of the need for adherence to legal frameworks and due process in land dealings.

As the story develops, it remains to be seen how the Lagos State government and the parties accused will respond to these allegations. The potential lawsuit, if filed, could have significant implications for land administration and political accountability in Nigeria’s bustling commercial capital.

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