Home » APC Sets Sights on Edo with Fair Play Promise, Morka Asserts

APC Sets Sights on Edo with Fair Play Promise, Morka Asserts

Strategic Primaries Aim to Unify and Conquer in Upcoming Gubernatorial Battle

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

Felix Morka, the National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC), in a comprehensive discussion, outlined the party’s strategies and expectations for the upcoming gubernatorial election in Edo State. With a strong focus on ensuring a level playing field for all aspirants, Morka delved into the primary election processes, debunking rumors about mandatory undertakings for aspirants to avoid court redress post-election.

According to Morka, stakeholders within the APC’s Edo State chapter have unanimously opted for a direct primary method, aiming to democratize the nomination process further. The party encourages aspirants to prioritize the APC’s collective interest over personal ambitions, emphasizing collaboration and discipline to achieve a smooth and unified primary election outcome.

Contrary to reports of a compulsory undertaking to prevent post-primary litigations, Morka clarified that the party’s stance is purely advisory. The APC urges aspirants to engage in the electoral process responsibly and seek internal resolution mechanisms for any disputes, fostering a harmonious environment conducive to selecting a widely supported candidate.

The decision not to zone the governorship candidacy, according to Morka, comes after thorough consultations with key stakeholders across Edo State. This inclusive approach reflects the party’s dedication to meritocracy and equal opportunity for all aspirants, irrespective of their senatorial zones.

Morka expressed confidence in the APC’s prospects of reclaiming Edo State from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), citing the current administration’s internal discord and underperformance as factors that have primed the electorate for change. He dismissed concerns over the threat posed by Philip Shaibu, the incumbent deputy governor and PDP aspirant, arguing that the APC offers a more compelling vision for Edo’s future.

On the issue of the high nomination fees, Morka defended the party’s policy as a measure to encourage aspirants to galvanize support and funding from their constituents. He likened this approach to fundraising practices in advanced democracies, where candidates rely on grassroots financial support to fuel their campaigns.

As the APC gears up for the Edo State gubernatorial election, Morka’s insights reveal a party committed to internal democracy, transparency, and the overarching goal of delivering effective governance to the people of Edo State. With a broad field of aspirants ready to contest the primary, the APC is positioning itself as a formidable contender, ready to challenge the PDP’s hold on the state.

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