Home » Prof Kila Advocates Food Import, Subsidy to Tackle Nigeria’s Crisis

Prof Kila Advocates Food Import, Subsidy to Tackle Nigeria’s Crisis

Emergency Measures Proposed for Immediate Food Crisis Relief

by Adenike Adeodun

In the midst of Nigeria’s escalating food crisis, Anthony Kila, a distinguished Political Economist and Professor of Strategy and Development at the Commonwealth Institute of Advanced and Professional Studies, has advocated for the importation and subsidy of food as a viable interim solution. This proposal was articulated during his address at an international webinar hosted for African and Caribbean political economists, aimed at exploring economic and developmental prospects within these regions.

Professor Kila’s stance emerges against the backdrop of an inflation spiral in Nigeria, primarily fueled by significant surges in production and distribution costs, alongside a decline in the diversity and volume of food production. This complex situation has not only exacerbated food scarcity but has also heightened the urgency for effective, immediate interventions to mitigate the adverse effects on the populace.

Central to Kila’s argument is the recognition of an emergent crisis necessitating swift governmental action. He posits that the dual approach of importing and subsidizing food could significantly alleviate the current predicament, serving as a stopgap measure while more sustainable solutions are sought. According to him, the establishment of approximately 10,000 subsidized food outlets across Nigeria could be instrumental in managing this crisis effectively.

Highlighting the pragmatic aspects of this strategy, Kila elucidates on the government’s potential role in orchestrating a coordinated response. This entails identifying available food sources both domestically and internationally, engaging in negotiations with producers (potentially on credit terms), and streamlining the logistics of food delivery and distribution within Nigeria. Such measures, he suggests, are critical to bridging the immediate supply gap and stabilizing food prices in the short term.

Moreover, Professor Kila critically evaluates the current monetary policies spearheaded by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), deeming them insufficient in addressing the root causes of the food crisis. He advocates for a more pronounced focus on the real economy, urging the ministries of economy, agriculture, and trade to intensify their efforts in formulating and executing strategies that can have a tangible impact on mitigating the crisis.

In his dialogue with fellow political economists from Africa and the Caribbean, Kila underscores the importance of leveraging international collaboration. He encourages these experts to assist governments, communities, and businesses in identifying and capitalizing on opportunities for cooperation, with the ultimate aim of steering their respective societies towards a trajectory of prosperity and resilience.

The food crisis in Nigeria is a multifaceted challenge, influenced by a confluence of factors including inflationary pressures, supply chain disruptions, and inadequate production capabilities. Kila’s proposal for importing and subsidizing food, therefore, represents a strategic, though temporary, response to a pressing issue that demands immediate attention. It reflects a nuanced understanding of the complexities inherent in managing economic crises and the need for adaptive, responsive policy measures that prioritize the well-being of the population.

Further to this, Kila’s call for enhanced governmental intervention in the real economy highlights a critical aspect of crisis management. It brings to the fore the imperative for a synergistic approach that combines fiscal, monetary, and trade policies to create a conducive environment for sustainable economic growth and food security. The emphasis on international cooperation and knowledge exchange among political economists from Africa and the Caribbean also signifies the potential for shared learning and collaborative initiatives in tackling common developmental challenges.

In conclusion, Professor Anthony Kila’s insights contribute significantly to the discourse on addressing Nigeria’s food crisis. His advocacy for importing and subsidizing food as a short-term measure, coupled with a call for robust governmental action and international cooperation, offers a comprehensive blueprint for navigating the current challenges. As Nigeria, along with other nations, grapples with the complexities of food security and economic stability, the perspectives and strategies articulated by Kila serve as a valuable reference point for policymakers, economists, and stakeholders committed to fostering a more secure, prosperous future.


Source: The Sun

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