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Boost Naira: Priest Urges Shift to Local Products

Strengthen Economy by Prioritizing Nigerian Goods, Services

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

In a sermon that resonated well beyond the walls of Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Gold and Base, Rayfield, Jos, Rev. Fr. Joseph Agbazi called upon Nigerians to adopt a more patriotic stance towards their economy by prioritizing local products over foreign imports. His advice, aimed at reversing the depreciating trend of the national currency, highlights a crucial step towards economic self-reliance and stability.

Rev. Fr. Agbazi pinpointed the increasing preference for foreign goods as a primary culprit behind the naira’s diminishing value. By advocating for a shift towards local consumption — encompassing automobiles, clothing, construction materials, and more — he underscored the direct impact such choices have on the strength and stability of the naira.

Moreover, Fr. Agbazi emphasized the importance of conducting transactions within the country using the local currency. “The incessant use of dollars and other foreign currencies for domestic transactions undermines the naira, exacerbating its devaluation,” he remarked during his sermon. “By steadfastly using the naira, we can fortify our economy and enhance the currency’s valuation.”

The clergyman also ventured into the realm of political advice, urging Nigerian politicians to eschew greed and prioritize the nation’s development by efficiently harnessing its abundant resources. This call for ethical governance is seen as a foundational element for fostering economic growth and stability.

A significant portion of Rev. Fr. Agbazi’s message was dedicated to the crucial sector of education. He advocated for substantial investments in education as a strategy for improving the nation’s overall quality of life. “Enhancing our educational system can make Nigeria a more attractive destination for foreign educators and students, thereby contributing to our economy and societal advancement,” he explained.

His sermon, while rooted in spiritual guidance, offers practical solutions to some of Nigeria’s most pressing economic challenges. By promoting the patronage of locally manufactured goods and services, Rev. Fr. Agbazi not only champions economic patriotism but also encourages a shift towards sustainable consumption practices. Such a shift, he argues, is essential for the naira’s appreciation and, by extension, the national economy’s improvement.

Furthermore, his call for political integrity and investment in education resonates with a broader audience, advocating for systemic changes that can lead to a more prosperous and equitable society. As Nigeria grapples with various socio-economic issues, the advice from religious leaders like Rev. Fr. Agbazi provides a moral and ethical compass guiding both policymakers and the general public towards the path of development and progress.

Rev. Fr. Agbazi’s message comes at a time when Nigeria, like many other nations, faces the dual challenge of economic recovery and sustainability. His sermon serves as a reminder of the power of collective action and the significant impact individual choices can have on the national economy. It is a call to action for Nigerians to rally behind their currency and, by extension, their country’s economic future.

As the sermon concludes, the message is clear: the path to a stronger naira and a more resilient economy lies in the hands of every Nigerian. Through conscious choices and a commitment to local patronage, the country can embark on a journey towards economic revitalization and sustainable development. Rev. Fr. Agbazi’s words echo a profound truth: in unity and patriotic action, lies the strength to transform Nigeria’s economic landscape.

Source: The Sun Nigeria

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