Home » Chibok Parents’ Decade-Long Plea: Justice and Intervention Await

Chibok Parents’ Decade-Long Plea: Justice and Intervention Await

A heartfelt appeal to Mrs. Oluremi Tinubu for overdue action

by Adenike Adeodun

As Nigeria marks a grim milestone in the Chibok abduction saga, the parents of the 91 remaining schoolgirls still missing from the 2014 tragedy have penned a heartfelt letter to Mrs Oluremi Tinubu, the wife of the President, beseeching her intervention in their prolonged ordeal.

Despite a decade passing since their daughters were snatched away, these parents find themselves trapped in a vortex of despair and uncertainty. Their anguish is compounded by recent mass abductions that continue to plague the nation, serving as stark reminders of unresolved trauma and unfulfilled promises.

In a poignant plea titled “A Plea for Justice and Remembering the Chibok Girls,” shared with the press in Lagos, the Chibok Parents Association, represented by Yana Galang and Mallam Zanna, poured out their hearts. They lamented the unhealed wounds that persist despite the passage of time, asserting that while the world may have moved on, for them, the pain remains as raw as ever.

“We have not lost hope, Your Excellency,” the letter declares, “We have not given up on our daughters, and we will continue to fight for their freedom until they are brought back to us.”

Their appeal extends beyond mere acknowledgement; they implore Mrs Tinubu to leverage her influence and platform to ensure the Chibok girls are never forgotten, justice is served, and the perpetrators are held accountable. Furthermore, they earnestly seek an audience with the First Lady, seeking her assistance in amplifying their voices and advocating for the safe return of their daughters.

April 14th marks a sombre milestone, ten years since the night that shattered the peace of Government Girls Secondary School in Chibok, Borno State. What began as an obscure rural town has become synonymous with tragedy on a global scale, thanks to the heinous act perpetrated by Boko Haram. To this day, 96 of the 276 abducted girls remain unaccounted for, a painful testament to unresolved trauma.

The Chibok abduction catapulted Boko Haram to global infamy, sparking the iconic rallying cry, ‘Bring Back Our Girls.’ This movement, fueled by social media and championed by figures like former First Lady Michelle Obama, transcended borders, demanding justice and accountability.

Despite international efforts and promises from successive Nigerian administrations, the road to recovery has been agonizingly slow. While some girls have been rescued through negotiations, many still languish in captivity, and their families endure a relentless cycle of anguish and uncertainty.

The plight of Chibok is not an isolated tragedy but emblematic of a broader epidemic of insecurity plaguing Nigeria. According to recent reports by SBM Intelligence, close to 1,000 people were kidnapped in the first three months of 2024 alone, with over 735 mass abduction incidents recorded since 2019.

These abductions, perpetrated by various criminal elements, underscore the systemic failures within Nigeria’s security apparatus. Despite claims of progress, armed groups continue to operate with impunity, exploiting vulnerabilities and perpetuating a cycle of violence and fear.

As the Chibok parents plead for justice and intervention, their voices echo the collective anguish of a nation grappling with the scourge of insecurity. Their resilience in the face of adversity serves as a stark reminder of the human cost of conflict and the urgent need for meaningful action to end the cycle of violence and bring closure to countless families still awaiting the return of their loved ones.

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