Home » Dana Air Suspended After Audit Reveals Safety Concerns

Dana Air Suspended After Audit Reveals Safety Concerns

Aviation Minister Keyamo Acts on Dana Air Alarming Safety Audit Results

by Ikeoluwa Juliana Ogungbangbe

Festus Keyamo, the Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, has decided to suspend the operations of Dana Air, deeming the airline unfit for flight based on a damning audit report. The audit, which was conducted under the supervision of his predecessor, revealed several safety violations that cast doubt on the airline’s ability to continue operating.

In an interview with Channels TV’s “Politics Today,” Keyamo conveyed his serious worries about the airline, which had a history of problems before he took over. In one especially unsettling incident, an aeroplane door shattered as the aircraft approached landing, serving as a clear warning of the possible risks associated with continuing operations.

Keyamo pointed out that the internal audit documented a series of violations that led to the conclusion that Dana Air was not sufficiently safe to operate. “There were internal reports before I came in under my predecessor that showed a series of infractions by the airline, and the conclusion was that they were not healthy enough to fly,” Keyamo stated.

The minister emphasized the serious duties associated with his position and the ultimate responsibility he bears for the security of air travelers. “The flying public is at risk, and if any tragic incident happens, it is the Minister that would be called. Nigerians will not spare the minister,” he noted. He was determined to avoid any fatalities from oversight or regulatory mistakes, which is why he decided to shut down Dana Air.

Keyamo explained his position and the difference between his supervisory responsibilities and the regulatory roles of other aviation agencies after considering the wider ramifications of his role and the regulations he must enforce. “My responsibility as a minister is to oversee them and make sure they fulfill their responsibilities. It is not my role to regulate. He said, “Those who are referencing the laws ought to realize that I am more knowledgeable about the law than they are.”

This act to suspend Dana Air’s operations is part of a larger effort to tighten safety protocols and oversight within the Nigerian aviation sector. Keyamo hopes to reassure the public that the ministry is actively working to safeguard their journeys by citing the audit and its findings and emphasizing the necessity of rigorous adherence to safety standards.

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