Home » Obasanjo, Makinde, DG IITA Discuss Nigeria’s Path to Food Security

Obasanjo, Makinde, DG IITA Discuss Nigeria’s Path to Food Security

Nigeria food security

by Motoni Olodun

Former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, alongside Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State and the Director-General of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Dr. Nteranya Sanginga, convened to deliberate on strategies to bolster Nigeria’s food security. The meeting, held against the backdrop of persistent challenges in the agricultural sector, sought to chart a course towards sustainable food production and self-sufficiency.

During the discussions, participants underscored the importance of leveraging innovative technologies and best practices to enhance agricultural productivity and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Recognizing the critical role of smallholder farmers in the food value chain, stakeholders emphasized the need for targeted interventions to support their livelihoods and improve access to resources such as seeds, fertilizers, and finance.

Governor Makinde reiterated his administration’s commitment to revitalizing the agricultural sector in Oyo State through policies aimed at promoting agribusiness, youth engagement, and rural development. He highlighted the potential for collaboration between the state government, research institutions, and private sector stakeholders to drive agricultural transformation and create employment opportunities for the youth.

Dr. Sanginga, in his remarks, emphasized the importance of sustainable agriculture practices in achieving food security and environmental sustainability. He emphasized the role of research and development in identifying resilient crop varieties, improving soil health, and promoting climate-smart agriculture initiatives tailored to the needs of smallholder farmers.

Former President Obasanjo, drawing on his extensive experience in governance and agriculture, stressed the need for a coordinated national strategy to address systemic challenges facing the agricultural sector. He called for proactive measures to enhance access to markets, strengthen extension services, and promote value addition along the agricultural value chain.

The discussions also touched upon the role of digital technology in revolutionizing agriculture and enhancing efficiency in input delivery, market access, and data management. Participants emphasized the importance of leveraging digital platforms to bridge information gaps, facilitate e-extension services, and empower farmers with real-time market intelligence.

As Nigeria grapples with food insecurity exacerbated by population growth, climate variability, and economic constraints, stakeholders reiterated the urgency of implementing holistic solutions to ensure food availability, accessibility, and affordability for all citizens. They emphasized the need for sustained investment in agriculture, infrastructure, and rural development to unleash the sector’s full potential and drive inclusive growth.

In conclusion, the participants expressed optimism about Nigeria’s ability to overcome its food security challenges through collective action, innovation, and sustained commitment to agricultural development. They called for continued collaboration between government, academia, civil society, and the private sector to realize the vision of a food-secure Nigeria.

Source: Tribune

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