Home » Lukman Blames Buhari, Exonerates Tinubu for Northern Nigeria’s Decline

Lukman Blames Buhari, Exonerates Tinubu for Northern Nigeria’s Decline

Northern Nigeria Faces Severe Challenges, Lukman Highlights Buhari's Failures.

by Adenike Adeodun

A former National Vice Chairman (North West) of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Salihu Lukman, has exonerated President Bola Tinubu from the severe underdevelopment and various challenges facing northern Nigeria. Lukman blames the region’s decline on the administration of Tinubu’s predecessor, ex-President Muhammadu Buhari.

In an open letter titled “Explosive North: Open Letter to Northern Politicians,” Lukman describes the living conditions in northern Nigeria as dire. He argues that life in the region aligns with Hobbes’ description of being “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”

“If anyone seeks to understand Hobbes’ description of life, look at Northern Nigeria,” wrote Lukman. “Poverty, unemployment, and inequality are rampant. The conditions of schools and hospitals are depressing. The civil service, in virtually all nineteen states, is a shadow of itself, with minimal public service activity.”

Lukman also highlighted the decline of traditional institutions and religious leaders in the region. He noted the lack of industries and the impact of insecurity on agricultural activities, which are vital to the region’s economy.

“The alarming statistics of out-of-school children and people in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps add to the crisis,” he said. “Problems of drugs and substance abuse, broken homes, and abandoned children are also significant. The North is an explosive waiting to detonate. We have lost our homes, families, and children. The North has never been so disunited and without any semblance of political leadership.”

Lukman criticized the current quality of political leadership in the North. He claimed many politicians become internally displaced once out of office, with the worst among them ascending to leadership due to easy access to elective and appointive offices and control over public resources.

“The opportunity for Northern political leaders to redeem themselves was lost during Buhari’s tenure,” Lukman stated. “No leader in Nigeria’s political history gained national acceptability like Buhari at the start of his tenure. He could have used this to produce selfless leaders and put Nigeria on the path to national development.”

According to Lukman, Buhari’s eight years in office from 2015 to 2023 were wasted. The country, especially the North, worsened, with insecurity, poverty, unemployment, and substance abuse becoming almost characteristic of the region.

Under President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, who received the majority of his votes from the three northern regions, Lukman sees no improvement. He believes Tinubu is only interested in exploiting the lack of unity among northern leaders.

“It is not Tinubu’s fault,” Lukman concluded. “If he is uninterested in the region’s challenges, northern political leaders should not complain.”

Lukman’s letter underscores the urgent need for committed and effective leadership in northern Nigeria. The region’s current state demands attention and action from both local and national leaders. The challenges of poverty, insecurity, and underdevelopment cannot be ignored if the North is to realize its potential.

The call for a new direction in leadership is a call to action for the region’s political elite. The focus must shift towards unity, development, and the welfare of the people. The North has significant potential, but this can only be unlocked with dedicated and visionary leadership.

Lukman’s exoneration of Tinubu and critique of Buhari’s tenure highlights the complexities of leadership and development in Nigeria. The North’s future hinges on the decisions and actions taken today. Effective leadership and strategic planning are crucial to transforming the region and addressing its myriad challenges.

As northern Nigeria grapples with these issues, the broader implications for the country are evident. Addressing the North’s problems will contribute to national stability and growth. The region’s development is not just a regional concern but a national imperative.

The path to a better future for northern Nigeria lies in the hands of its leaders. They must rise to the occasion, united and committed to the region’s progress. The time for change is now, and the stakes have never been higher.


Source: The Guardian

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