Home » Senate President’s Office Dismisses Viral Video Allegations

Senate President’s Office Dismisses Viral Video Allegations

by Motoni Olodun


  • The Senate President’s office has denied allegations from a viral video circulating online.
  • The video reportedly contains false claims against the Senate President, prompting an official statement.
  • The office urges the public to disregard the video, calling it a smear campaign aimed at tarnishing the Senate President’s image.

The office of the Senate President of Nigeria has officially dismissed the allegations made in a video that went viral on social media that accused the Senate President of misconduct. The video which has gone viral contains allegations that the Senate President’s office has described as completely false and politically motivated.

The Senate President’s office responded to the video in a statement that called on Nigerians to disregard the contents of the video as it is part of a campaign of calumny against the leadership of the Senate. The office referred to the video as baseless and fabricated and accused the opponents of using it to besmirch the Senate President.

Sexual harassment and false allegations in the viral video

The video which has gone viral on all the social media platforms is aimed at revealing some of the misdeeds of the Senate President. Although the allegations made in the video have not been enumerated in the public domain, the office of the Senate President is already acting to disassociate itself from the allegations, saying that the video is a clear attempt at misleading the public.

Tribune Online also reported that the Senate President’s office debunked the video stating that the information is fake and all the allegations are mere falsehoods. ‘This is a clear example of fake news peddled by people with the intention of causing confusion and division within the political system,’ an official from the office said.

The office also noted that such tactics are not unique to the current administration as they are common in Nigerian politics where opponents are known to use all means possible to discredit political personalities. The statement also affirmed that the Senate President has not deviated from his responsibilities and that his attention is still on the legislative business of the country.

The public has been advised to ignore fake news.

The office has urged citizens to avoid sharing fake news on social media stating that such actions fuel the spread of fake news. ‘We would like to advise the public to check the validity of any information before passing it on,’ the spokesperson said.

Since the problem of misinformation remains a trending issue in the age of social media, the Senate President’s office noted the speed at which fake news can circulate and the impact they can have on the image of the country. The office said this viral video is not the first time disinformation campaigns are being used as political weapons in Nigeria.

Separately, political observation lists have recently detected more often the usage of such a strategy in targeting other politicians, especially before the election or any important political event. They suppose that this video can be a part of a large scale effort to demonize key political leaders in the country.

Smear campaign allegations

This incident is evident at a time when political instabilities in Nigeria are on the rise, with several energetic players in the political game. The Senate President’s office has opined that the video is part of a calculated attempt to demoralize the Senate leadership and create division among the populace.

The timing of the video, coupled with its contents, points to a well-orchestrated attempt to destabilize the Senate President’s leadership, the office said. It further stated that such attacks will not stop the Senate President from performing his duties in the office.

Despite the fact that the identity of the people behind the video is still unknown, there are demands for the investigation of the source of the video and the people behind the distribution of the video. The Senate President’s office has not dismissed the option of seeking legal redress against anyone found to have engaged in the production or distribution of the falsehoods.

Looking forward with optimism

The Senate President’s office has not been deterred by the negative publicity that has been occasioned by the viral video and is confident that the truth shall prevail. The spokesperson for the Senate said that Nigerians will not be deceived by such frivolous allegations and will continue to support the Senate.

As the country advances, the office of the Senate President stressed on the need for unity and direction in addressing the Nigeria challenges. They called on the public to be wary of efforts that seek to deceive and polarize the country.

The office ended by affirming its stand on transparency and good governance, with the prayer that such calumny will not slow down the Senate in its mandate of serving the people of Nigeria.

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