Home » NASU Calls on President Tinubu to Address Union Registration Concerns in the Education Sector

NASU Calls on President Tinubu to Address Union Registration Concerns in the Education Sector

NASU Appeals to President Tinubu for Fair Union Representation

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

The Non-Academic Staff Union of Educational and Associated Institutions (NASU) has urged President Bola Tinubu to reconsider the decision to register new unions in sectors already represented by established ones. This appeal, led by NASU President Dr. Hassan Makolo, emerged at the union’s 8th quadrennial delegates conference in Abuja.

Controversial Registration of NOTSUP

Dr. Makolo highlighted concerns about the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment’s decision to register the Non-Teaching Staff Union of Polytechnics (NOTSUP), a move perceived as an attempt to diminish NASU’s influence within polytechnics. He argued that this action, taken during the Buhari administration, was in direct contravention of Section 3(2) of the Trade Unions Act. The Act stipulates that no new trade union shall be registered in a workplace where a similar union already exists.

NASU’s Advocacy and Challenges

NASU has been instrumental in advocating for improved funding and conditions in Nigeria’s tertiary education sector. The Buhari administration’s approach to registering NOTSUP was seen as a strategy to weaken such unions, with NASU directly impacted by this policy.

NASU’s Affiliation with NLC and PSI

Reaffirming its commitment, NASU continues to be an active member of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and expects reciprocal support from the NLC on issues affecting its members. Furthermore, NASU maintains its affiliation with Public Services International (PSI), adhering to democratic principles within the trade union movement.

Concerns Over Rights Violations

NASU condemned the brutalization and arrest of NLC President Joe Ajaero by agents of Imo State’s Governor and former Police Commissioner, seeing it as a violation of human and trade union rights. The union welcomed the arrest of some perpetrators and expressed hope for justice.

Employer-Employee Dynamics

NASU recognizes that disagreements between employers and employees are inevitable in the workplace. The union applauds certain management teams in educational institutions for their conflict management approaches, contributing to industrial peace and harmony.

NASU’s Stance on Union Rights and Management Relations

NASU stands firm in its belief that strong union representation is crucial to counterbalance management power in the workplace. The union values cooperative relationships with management for the benefit of both parties and the broader educational community.

As NASU navigates these challenges, its focus remains on safeguarding the rights and interests of non-academic staff in educational institutions. The union’s call to President Tinubu reflects a broader concern for preserving the integrity of trade unions in Nigeria’s educational sector.

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