Home » Governor Sani Launches 35km Road Project

Governor Sani Launches 35km Road Project

Connecting Communities, Empowering Economies

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

In a landmark development, Kaduna State Governor Uba Sani has inaugurated a significant infrastructure project, the construction of a 35-kilometer road. This road is set to connect Gadar Gayan in Igabi Local Government Area (LGA) with Gwaraji and Maraban Kujama in Chikun LGA. The project, launched on January 29, 2024, is a testament to the government’s commitment to enhancing rural connectivity and improving the lives of local communities.

Governor Sani, accompanied by Deputy Governor Dr. Hadiza Balarabe and other officials, also commenced the construction of a six-kilometer road from the signboard in Juji to the bypass in Sabon Tasha area within Chikun LGA. This initiative is part of a broader effort to bridge the divide between rural and urban areas, making rural living more attractive and sustainable.

The Governor emphasized the multifaceted benefits of the project. Firstly, it aims to provide immediate employment opportunities for both skilled and unskilled workers in the benefiting communities. Secondly, the completion of this road, expected in 12 months, will facilitate better market access for local farmers, thereby boosting agricultural productivity and commerce in the Igabi and Chikun LGAs, known for their significant agricultural potential.

Governor Sani expressed his government’s determination to strengthen commerce and create opportunities through the development of efficient road networks. He highlighted the importance of these infrastructure projects in reducing post-harvest losses, improving safety, and ensuring that towns and communities along the route are more accessible.

In his groundbreaking ceremony speech, Governor Sani expressed his gratitude to everyone who supported the project from its inception. He reiterated his commitment to fulfilling the promises made during his campaign, particularly in bringing the government closer to the people and ensuring that every community feels a sense of belonging.

At the event, local leaders expressed their appreciation for the Governor’s efforts. The Chairman of Igabi LGA, Hon. Jabir Khamis, praised Governor Sani for his frequent visits and commitment to the area, expressing optimism about the number of projects that would be realized during his tenure. Similarly, the Chairman of Chikun LGA, Salasi Musa, acknowledged the project as a fulfillment of the Governor’s campaign promises, underscoring its expected positive impact on the local economy and the lives of residents in Sabon Tasha and surrounding areas.

This road construction initiative is a significant step towards improving the infrastructure in Kaduna State. It demonstrates the government’s dedication to addressing the needs of rural communities, fostering economic growth, and enhancing the quality of life for its citizens. The project is not only an infrastructural development but also a strategic move to empower local communities, stimulate economic activities, and promote overall regional development.

As the state looks forward to the completion of these projects, there is an air of optimism about the potential changes they will bring. Improved road connectivity is expected to lead to better market access, enhanced safety, and a reduction in travel time and costs, thereby contributing to the socioeconomic upliftment of the local population. This initiative is a clear indication of the government’s focus on inclusive development and its commitment to transforming the lives of its citizens through sustainable infrastructure projects.

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