Home » Ogundokun Calls for Atiku, Obi to Prioritize Nigeria’s Progress First

Ogundokun Calls for Atiku, Obi to Prioritize Nigeria’s Progress First

Ex-Lawmaker Urges Unity Over Politics Amidst National Hardship

by Ikeoluwa Juliana Ogungbangbe
National Unity Nigeria

In a heartfelt plea for unity and national coherence, Pa Abiola Ogundokun, a respected figure from Nigeria’s Second Republic, has voiced a strong message to key political figures across the country. Amidst ongoing economic challenges and political disagreements, Ogundokun has called upon Alhaji Atiku Abubakar of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Mr. Peter Obi of the Labour Party, urging them to prioritize the country’s well-being over personal conflicts during these pivotal times.

Addressing the nation from Osogbo, Ogundokun extended his appeal to a broader audience of elder statesmen, including the likes of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, Edwin Clark, and Emmanuel Iwuanyawu. He emphasized the importance of rallying behind the country’s leadership to navigate Nigeria through its current hardships.

In a statement brimming with concern for the nation’s future, Ogundokun denounced the ongoing calls for the president’s resignation, labeling them as harmful to the country’s stability. He argued that such demands stem from a deeper place of self-interest rather than genuine patriotic concern, especially given the global economic downturn affecting nations worldwide. Ogundokun highlighted the necessity for collective effort to overcome these adversities for the betterment of all Nigerians.

He acknowledged the slow but steady progress under the current administration’s renewed hope agenda, cautioning against the dangers of protests driven by unclear objectives. According to Ogundokun, while the constitution protects the right to protest, the recent waves of demonstrations seem to conceal ulterior motives aimed at destabilizing Nigeria.

Ogundokun’s call to action seeks to remind the country’s leaders and citizens alike of the critical need to stand united in support of President Tinubu, who, despite inheriting a struggling economy, was democratically elected to steer Nigeria toward recovery. He stressed that the issues plaguing Nigeria are not overnight phenomena but are deeply rooted in decades of governance challenges.

Highlighting the risks of succumbing to divisive tactics by those he describes as “fifth columnists,” Ogundokun implored Nigerians to recognize the potential consequences of destabilization, which would only exacerbate the current difficulties. He urged elder statesmen and women across the nation to offer their wisdom and guidance by proposing solutions and condemning any actions that undermine the president’s efforts to lead Nigeria out of its predicaments.

In his concluding remarks, Ogundokun reminded the public that the time for electioneering has passed, and the focus must now shift to governance and constructive support for the administration’s policies and initiatives. By doing so, he believes Nigeria can overcome its challenges and pave the way for a more prosperous future, free from the shackles of political infighting and economic hardship.

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