Home » Speaker Abbas Champions Security, Economic Revival in Nigeria

Speaker Abbas Champions Security, Economic Revival in Nigeria

Unveils Plans for Peace, Prosperity Amid National Challenges

by Adenike Adeodun

In the midst of Nigeria’s multifaceted challenges, including economic struggles, escalating insecurity, and mounting social tension, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tajudeen Abbas, has emerged as a beacon of proactive leadership. Amidst these trials, which include harassment from opposition factions, Abbas, as the fourth most significant figure in the nation’s hierarchy, is deeply concerned about the welfare of the populace and the stability of the government he serves.

The Nigerian House of Representatives, often referred to as the Green Chamber, has a storied history of stepping in during pivotal moments of national crisis. Currently, the nation faces severe economic hardships that threaten its peace, security, and social fabric. Speaker Abbas, along with his colleagues, has voiced concerns and taken steps to quell the escalating tension, particularly acknowledging the surge in security challenges across various regions.

During a recent World Press Conference, Abbas expressed empathy for families victimized by violence and assured Nigerians that their pleas for help and justice were being heard. He reaffirmed the legislature’s commitment to fortifying security agencies through comprehensive legislative actions aimed at restoring peace and ensuring justice across communities.

The Speaker acknowledged President Bola Tinubu’s efforts towards bolstering the nation’s security framework, notably through the acquisition of advanced military aircraft to enhance the capabilities of the Nigerian Air Force. This move, along with the signing of a significant Supplementary Appropriation Act, underscores the government’s resolve to combat insecurity and address infrastructural deficits despite economic constraints.

Abbas praised the valor and dedication of Nigeria’s security personnel, advocating for necessary reforms to modernize and enhance the efficiency of the security apparatus. He announced an upcoming Legislative Summit on Security, which aims to foster dialogue with key stakeholders and develop legislative strategies to overhaul Nigeria’s security system.

Turning to the economic domain, the Speaker lamented the dire inflation rates plaguing the nation, particularly food inflation, exacerbated by a confluence of factors including insecurity, economic downturns, and climate change. He commended President Tinubu’s swift actions to mitigate the food security crisis, highlighted by the 2023 Supplementary Budget’s allocation for agricultural support and the 2024 Budget’s increased funding for crucial sectors.

Tinubu’s declaration of a state of emergency on food security and subsequent measures to improve food availability and affordability were also lauded by Abbas. This includes efforts to stabilize food prices and bolster the national strategic food reserve.

The National Assembly, under Abbas’s leadership, has shown unprecedented commitment to combating food insecurity by establishing a dedicated Committee on Nutrition and Food Security. This committee is tasked with enhancing nutrition governance, advocating for nutrition prioritization in government programs, and monitoring nutrition funding in the national budget.

Abbas pledged the legislature’s unwavering support for policies aimed at stimulating the economy, alleviating hunger, and enhancing national security. He emphasized the importance of enabling farmers to safely return to their fields, stabilizing food prices, and ensuring the availability of essential commodities at affordable rates.

The Speaker called for enhanced collaboration among all government branches and urged greater citizen engagement for accountability and action. This cooperative approach, he argued, is crucial for achieving the constitutional mandate of prioritizing the security and welfare of the Nigerian people.

In his rallying cry for unity and collective effort, Abbas underscored the imperative of working together across all levels of government and with the citizenry to surmount the nation’s challenges. His stance not only offers solace to the executive branch but also signals a collaborative path forward in addressing the pressing needs of Nigerians amidst ongoing economic and security crises.


Source: This Day Live

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