Home » Alabi Urges Nigeria to Implement Reforms for Better Governance

Alabi Urges Nigeria to Implement Reforms for Better Governance

Calls for Addressing Development Issues Using 2014 Confab Report

by Adenike Adeodun

High Chief Lekan Alabi, the Maiye Olubadan of Ibadan Land, marked Nigeria’s Democracy Day and the 31st anniversary of the annulled June 12, 1993, presidential election at an event in Lagos. Speaking at the event organized by the Coalition of Democracy Societies, Alabi reflected on Nigeria’s journey towards democracy. He emphasized the importance of the June 12 election, which he described as the freest and fairest in Nigeria’s history.

“Without being immodest, I was in the thick of the June 12, 1993 election by virtue of being the founding secretary general of the MKO Abiola Dynamic Group,” Alabi said. He recounted how the annulment of the election by General Ibrahim Babangida’s regime led to widespread protests and military intervention, resulting in the loss of innocent lives.

Alabi noted that the annulment sparked a nationwide outcry and highlighted the resilience of Nigerians in the face of political instability. “Nigerians showed they could react like any other society when suspicion is creeping into government action,” he stated.

Alabi shared his views on Nigeria’s democratic progress since the annulment. “Democracy is the best form of government in the world. It allows people to be governed based on the constitution and free elections,” he stated. He highlighted the benefits of democracy, including the existence of legislative bodies at both state and national levels, which make laws reflecting the people’s will.

Despite acknowledging the progress, Alabi noted that many Nigerians remain disenchanted with the current system. “Compared to military dictatorship, democracy is better. Our views and opinions are sought before laws are made, and if we object, the government withdraws certain laws,” he explained. However, he recognized that some Nigerians are so dissatisfied with the system today that they wish for a return to military rule.

When asked about potential reforms to improve Nigeria’s democracy, Alabi emphasized the importance of implementing the 2014 confab report. “President Bola Ahmed Tinubu should take a look at the 2014 confab report. Nigerians from diverse backgrounds contributed to that report, which reflects the majority’s opinion on governance,” he said.

Alabi argued that the Nigerian constitution, often described as a military document, needs to be revised to reflect the people’s will. “A look at the confab report and application of those fundamentals that will unite all the tribes, class of people, regions, and their God-given resources for the betterment of the country should be quickly undertaken,” he added.

Alabi also pointed out that the Constitution must be a reflection of the people’s opinions and decisions. He urged the government to consider the recommendations from the confab report as a starting point for reforms that would unite the country and harness its resources effectively.

Alabi stressed that fiat cannot implement these reforms. He suggested that the government take deliberate steps to kick-start the process of implementing the 2014 confab report. “The President can’t do this by fiat. What the average Nigerian wants is a suitable environment that will guarantee his or her freedom, security, and opportunity to earn a decent living, train his/her children, get better healthcare, and so on. If the function of any government in the world is to make the people happy,” he said.

Alabi recommended a series of consultations and engagements with various stakeholders, including political leaders, civil society organizations, and the general public, to build consensus on the proposed reforms. He emphasized the need for transparency and inclusivity in the reform process to ensure that all voices are heard and considered.

Alabi’s call for reforms has sparked a debate among Nigerians. Some have expressed support for his recommendations, while others remain skeptical about the government’s willingness to implement meaningful changes.

“I believe Alabi’s call for reforms is timely and necessary. We need a constitution that truly reflects the will of the people and addresses our current challenges,” said Chinedu Okafor, a political analyst.

However, some Nigerians are cautious about the prospects of achieving significant reforms. “We have heard similar calls for reforms in the past, but nothing has changed. I hope this time will be different,” said Amina Mohammed, a Lagos resident.

In response to Alabi’s remarks, a spokesperson for President Bola Ahmed Tinubu acknowledged the importance of the 2014 confab report and stated that the government is committed to addressing the fundamental issues hampering Nigeria’s development.

“The President is aware of the recommendations in the 2014 confab report and is committed to working towards implementing reforms that will benefit all Nigerians. We understand the need for a constitution that reflects the will of the people and addresses our current challenges,” the spokesperson said.

The government has announced plans to establish a committee to review the 2014 confab report and make recommendations for its implementation. Some Nigerians have welcomed this move as a positive step towards addressing the country’s development issues.

As Nigeria continues to grapple with its development challenges, Alabi’s call for reforms serves as a reminder of the need for a government that listens to and addresses the concerns of its citizens. The implementation of the 2014 confab report could be a significant step towards achieving better governance and improving the lives of all Nigerians.

In the coming months, all eyes will be on the government’s actions regarding the proposed reforms. Nigerians are hopeful that this time, the government will take meaningful steps to address the fundamental issues hampering the country’s development and create a better future for all.

Alabi’s reflections on the June 12, 1993 election and his call for reforms highlight the importance of learning from the past to build a better future. As Nigeria celebrates its Democracy Day, the need for a government that truly represents the will of the people and works towards their well-being remains as crucial as ever.


Source: The Guardian

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