Home » Peter Obi Criticizes New Presidential Jet Purchase Amid Economic Crisis

Peter Obi Criticizes New Presidential Jet Purchase Amid Economic Crisis

Obi Urges Government to Prioritize Citizens' Welfare Over Luxuries

by Adenike Adeodun

Peter Obi, the Labour Party Presidential Candidate in the 2023 election, has challenged the Federal Government over plans to buy a new aircraft for the presidential fleet. Obi described this move as a clear sign of insensitivity to the suffering of the Nigerian people.

Writing on his X handle, Obi highlighted the country’s severe economic crisis. He noted high inflation, a falling currency, and widespread poverty. “At a time when our country faces its worst economic crisis, the government is contemplating buying new presidential jets,” he said. According to him, this decision shows extreme insensitivity to citizens’ struggles.

With rising insecurity, poverty, hunger, and homelessness, Obi believes the decision highlights a significant disconnect between the government and the people. “It is unacceptable as the situation in the country today more than ever demands a more compassionate use of resources, prioritizing citizens’ welfare,” he added.

Obi pointed out that Nigeria’s presidential jets have an average age of 12 years, bought when most Nigerians could afford necessities. As the country faces significant challenges, including a high debt profile, citizens are in greater need. “Instead of adding to our luxuries, we should focus on alleviating their suffering and finding solutions to their problems,” Obi emphasized.

He criticized the longstanding issue of poor leadership in Nigeria. “Our bad leadership has made our priorities, as leaders, to be at variance with the needs of society, which is why we are headed now south, as a nation,” he stated.

Obi compared Nigeria’s spending to that of the United States. Despite dropping to the fourth-largest economy in Africa, Nigeria is spending $15 million on the Vice President’s residence. Meanwhile, the US, the world’s largest economy, houses its Vice President in Number 1 Observatory Circle, a house built over 100 years ago and valued at about $7.5 million today.

Obi noted that the US Vice President’s residence has only undergone wide-scale renovations twice, funded by taxpayers’ money. “Every new US VP is free to finance any minor refurbishing from his funds,” he pointed out. This comparison underscores the excessive spending by the Nigerian government.

Obi called for an end to what he described as impunity, insensitivity, and shamelessness. “We must prioritize education, healthcare, and lifting our citizens out of poverty. Let us work together to build a nation that truly serves its people, not just the interests of a few,” he urged.

Obi’s message is clear: Nigeria needs to focus on the real needs of its people. The government must prioritize essential sectors like education and healthcare over luxurious expenditures. “Let’s rise to the challenge, and build this new Nigeria which is now more possible than ever before,” Obi concluded.

By criticizing the proposed purchase of a new presidential jet, Obi emphasizes the need for the government to align its spending with the needs of the people. His call to action is a reminder that in times of economic hardship, prioritizing citizens’ welfare is crucial.


Source: The Sun

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