Home » Free Segun Olatunji: IPI Nigeria’s Plea to President Tinubu

Free Segun Olatunji: IPI Nigeria’s Plea to President Tinubu

Urgent Call for Abducted Journalist's Release Gains Global Attention

by Adenike Adeodun

The International Press Institute’s Nigerian National Committee (IPI Nigeria) has issued an urgent plea to President Bola Tinubu, urging him to instruct the Nigerian Armed Forces to demand that the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Christopher Musa, ensure the appearance of Segun Olatunji, an abducted journalist and editor at FirstNews. Olatunji’s disappearance follows his arrest at his Lagos residence 12 days prior, sparking widespread concern and international inquiries regarding his whereabouts.

According to a press release issued by IPI Nigeria, led by President Musikilu Mojeed and Legal Adviser/Chair of the Advocacy Committee, Tobi Soniyi, extensive investigations have confirmed that Olatunji is being held by the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA), an entity operating under the authority of Major General Emmanuel Undiandeye and ultimately reporting to CDS Musa.

The absence of information regarding Olatunji’s condition and the circumstances surrounding his detention has fueled speculation and concern among journalists and human rights advocates globally. This situation has prompted IPI Nigeria to engage with various arms of the Nigerian security apparatus—including the Nigeria Police, Nigerian Army, DIA, Defence Headquarters, and the Ministry of Information and National Orientation—in a bid to ascertain Olatunji’s status and secure his release. Despite these efforts, their inquiries have yet to yield any positive outcome.

In light of these developments, IPI Nigeria has called on President Tinubu to mandate the immediate release of Mr. Olatunji or, should there be any charges against him, to ensure his prompt arraignment in court. This call underscores the institute’s insistence on adherence to the rule of law, which stipulates that an accused individual should be allowed to defend themselves in a judicial setting within a reasonable timeframe. Such a principle aligns with the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria, which explicitly prohibits the detention of any citizen or resident for more than 48 hours without a legitimate court order.

The institute’s statement detailed the circumstances of Olatunji’s arrest, noting that armed individuals, arriving in two unmarked vans and partially clad in military attire, identified themselves as officers of the Nigerian Army before forcibly taking him from his home on March 15. This incident, witnessed by Olatunji’s wife, has left many questions unanswered, particularly regarding the reasons behind his arrest, his current location, and the absence of formal charges against him.

In its communication, IPI Nigeria also highlighted the broader implications of this incident for Nigeria’s human rights record, emphasizing that unlawful detention further tarnishes Nigeria’s international reputation. The institute’s appeal to the military to clarify the situation regarding Olatunji’s arrest and detention is framed as a matter of urgency, with a view towards bolstering Nigeria’s standing within the global community by demonstrating a commitment to human rights and legal norms.

This appeal is not just about the fate of one journalist; it reflects broader concerns about freedom of the press, the rule of law, and human rights in Nigeria. IPI Nigeria’s call to action serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency, accountability, and legal safeguards in the maintenance of a democratic society. The institute’s efforts to draw attention to Olatunji’s case and to advocate for his rights represent a crucial stance against the infringement of civil liberties and underscore the vital role that journalism plays in ensuring the flow of information and the promotion of accountability in governance.


Source: Vanguard

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