Home » Experts Urge Nigeria to Leverage Biotechnology for Food and Health Crisis

Experts Urge Nigeria to Leverage Biotechnology for Food and Health Crisis

Biotechnology can help solve Nigeria's food and health challenges, experts say

by Motoni Olodun


  • Experts highlight biotechnology as key to addressing Nigeria’s food security and health challenges.
  • Biotechnology can improve crop yields, reduce food insecurity, and combat health crises.
  • Nigeria is urged to invest in biotech to boost the agricultural and health sectors.

Some Nigerian experts have urged the country to adopt biotechnology to address the increasing problems in food production and health.

In a recent forum, the participants stressed that biotech has great potential to solve the chronic problems of food insecurity and health crises in the country and called on the government and private sector to step up support for this emerging field.

The use of biotechnology in food security

Among the issues that the experts identified as the challenges that Nigeria is facing, one of the most significant issues is the issue of food insecurity. The world population is increasing and climate change is a real issue that affects agricultural production, biotechnology is the solution to this problem.

According to the specialists, the use of biotech products can result in increased crop productivity, pest and disease control, and better resource utilization.

Through biotechnology, crops can be developed to grow faster, to be able to withstand unfavourable environmental conditions and to be resistant to pests and drought.

Through these modern methods of farming, Nigeria can be in a position to cut down on the importation of food and at the same time increase production to meet the demand.

As reported by Tribune Online, the inclusion of biotech into the Nigerian agricultural system is considered crucial in addressing the nation’s deepening food insecurity.

It is for this reason that experts have said that these technologies will help farmers and enhance the efficiency of the agricultural industry.

Health challenges are complex and require the use of biotechnology to solve them.

Apart from food security, biotechnology also holds a lot of potential in solving Nigeria’s health problems. The country still faces challenges of infectious diseases, malnutrition and poor health facilities. Medical research and pharmaceuticals are branches of biotechnology that can offer new approaches to these problems.

One of them is the research and production of vaccines and medicines that will suit the general health status of the Nigerian populace. Biotechnology helps scientists to develop better vaccines and cures for diseases like malaria, tuberculosis and even new diseases.

According to the same authorities, biotechnology can assist in the enhancement of health care systems and the decrease of reliance on imported medicines through the promotion of local pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Therefore, if Nigeria invests in biotechnology, it will create a stronger healthcare system that will be able to respond to future health challenges and offer cheap treatments to its people.

A call for increased funding for biotechnology

According to the experts, if Nigeria is to derive the benefits of biotechnology, there is a need for the government and private organizations to increase their funding and research on biotechnology.

Although the potential is enormous, Nigeria has not embraced biotechnology at the national level as expected.

The government has been encouraged to come up with policies that will encourage the growth of the industry, fund the development of infrastructure and support education programs that will produce talent needed in the industry.

More funding will not only help to progress the field but also guarantee that farmers, scientists, and healthcare workers will have the tools and information necessary to use biotechnology properly.

The experts have opined that if Nigeria can unlock the potential of biotech, it will not only address the country’s food and health issues but also become a biotechnology powerhouse in Africa.

Looking for a better tomorrow

The use of biotechnology in Nigeria has been embraced and this is a hope for the country in the future. Thus, by focusing on science and innovation in such areas as food security and healthcare, the country will be able to build a more sustainable and less dependent on imports future.

It is for this reason that biotechnology is seen as the panacea to the improvement of the quality of life of millions of Nigerians through practical and revolutionary solutions.

While the challenges continue to rise in the country, there is hope that with the right investment and policies in place, Nigeria can harness the potential of biotechnology to solve its food and health challenges.

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