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Empowering Girls to Combat Child Marriage

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

In a determined move to counteract child marriage in Nigeria, Bella Foundation for Child and Maternal Care teamed up with Mundo Cooperante. Together, they launched a two-day training program for adolescent girls. This initiative targets survivors of child marriage and those at risk in the Makoko and Ijora communities.

Bella Akhagba, the founder of the Bella Foundation, highlighted the training’s goal: to equip girls with skills to oppose child marriage. She also stressed the need to push for anti-child marriage laws and promote formal education for their daughters.

She said, “Makoko and Ijora report high rates of child marriage. Economic hardships and unplanned pregnancies are major contributors.”

Dorinda Odongharo, a gender advocate, urged participants to amass skills, find positive role models, and stay informed about their rights. “Lift your voice, support your peers, and educate your community,” she advised.

Ebunoluwa Sessou, a media specialist, emphasized the importance of female education. “Educated girls won’t become child marriage statistics. They’ll contribute to society,” she explained.

Sessou elaborated on the broader benefits of girls’ education. It propels economies forward, champions equality, and creates robust societies. In these societies, everyone can reach their potential.

Organizations like the Bella Foundation spotlight the power of education. With the right tools, girls become changemakers in the battle against child marriage.

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