Home » Awolowo’s Dream for a United Nigeria Remains Unfulfilled, Daughter Says

Awolowo’s Dream for a United Nigeria Remains Unfulfilled, Daughter Says

Tokunbo Awolowo-Dosunmu reflects on her father’s vision and Nigeria’s challenges.

by Adenike Adeodun

Dr. Tokunbo Awolowo-Dosunmu, the daughter of the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo, recently shared her thoughts on her father’s vision for Nigeria, expressing deep disappointment that his dream of a united and prosperous nation has not yet been realized. Speaking during a live talk show called State Affairs, hosted by Ibadan-based radio presenter Edmund Obilo, she reflected on the state of the country and the unfulfilled aspirations of her father.

Awolowo-Dosunmu lamented that Nigeria is far from the nation her father envisioned. “Nigeria is not yet the country Papa dreamed of,” she said. “He wanted a place where every citizen could have a fair chance at life, education, good health, and strong infrastructure. But I still believe we’ll get there.”

Chief Obafemi Awolowo, a prominent Nigerian statesman and advocate for federalism, spent his life working toward a strong and united Nigeria. However, his journey was fraught with challenges. Awolowo-Dosunmu recalled the difficult times her father endured, including the tragic loss of his son, Segun, and his imprisonment on charges she described as politically motivated.

“Papa went to prison not because he committed treason, but because of trumped-up charges by his opponents,” she explained. Despite these hardships, Awolowo remained steadfast in his belief in a united Nigeria. “He was always a federalist and never supported the idea of secession. He believed in maintaining the nation’s unity until the very end.”

Awolowo-Dosunmu also shared insights into her father’s personal life, describing how he found strength in his wife, the late Mrs. Hannah Awolowo. She portrayed her mother as a calming influence who never quarreled with her father. “Mama had a way of gently persuading Papa. If there was an issue, she would let it go and bring it up later in a way that eventually led to him agreeing with her, sometimes without even realizing it,” she said.

Despite the many challenges he faced, Awolowo died a fulfilled man, knowing he had done everything he could for Nigeria. Awolowo-Dosunmu emphasized that her father’s work was meticulously documented and that he declared after the 1983 elections that he would no longer contest for office. “He said if Nigeria needed him, they knew where to find him,” she added.

Reflecting on her own experiences, Awolowo-Dosunmu spoke about the responsibility she felt to uphold her father’s legacy. “I had the Awo name to uphold and the message of a new, democratic Nigeria to share,” she said. As an ambassador to the Netherlands during President Obasanjo’s administration, she faced many challenges but remained committed to representing Nigeria with integrity.

Awolowo-Dosunmu also highlighted the importance of revisiting her father’s blueprint for Nigeria. She called on Nigerians to look back at his vision for a nation built on justice, equity, and progress, and to strive towards making it a reality. Speaking about her role in the National Conference inaugurated by former President Goodluck Jonathan in 2014, she expressed her belief that Nigeria should be a true federal republic, with considerable autonomy for its regions. She even proposed that the number of federating units be reduced to six geopolitical zones to cut down on the cost of governance.

As she concluded, Awolowo-Dosunmu reminded Nigerians that while her father’s dream of a united Nigeria is yet to be fulfilled, it is a goal worth pursuing. She urged all citizens to continue working towards the vision of a strong, democratic Nigeria where justice, equity, and progress are the cornerstones of the nation’s future.


Source: The Guardian

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